Ceremony Components

Here are some popular parts of wedding ceremonies that you might like to include:

The Welcome

The start of the wedding ceremony, where we welcome the guests.

For a Wedding where some family members have travelled from overseas to attend

Celebrant: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of [NAME] and [NAME]. Thank you all for being here today, I know that you are all incredibly important to [NAME] and [NAME], but I would like to make a special acknowledgement of [GUEST NAMES] who have travelled all the way from [LOCATION] to be with us today.

For an intimate Wedding with fewer than 20 guests

Celebrant: Dearest friends and family, thank you all for joining [NAME] and [NAME] here today as they commit to their new marriage life together. You are all amongst the most important people in their lives, and I know how important it is to them that you could all be here with us today.

Words about Marriage

Where the couple wish to acknowledge the joining of two cultures

Celebrant: Today, we do not just join two people together in marriage, we join two cultures. [COUPLE’S NAMES] are so lucky not just to have found someone who loves and accepts them, but they have also found someone who respects and appreciates their culture. Despite their different backgrounds, [COUPLE’S NAMES] are committed to their new life together, and they look forward to raising children together who will brought up with an appreciation of the cultures of both parents.

Where the couple are both marrying for the second time and have children from their previous marriages

Celebrant: As many of you will know, this is not the first time that [COUPLE’S NAMES] have been married. In joining together as a family, they bring together their children as well: [CHILDREN’S NAMES]. I ask you now to commit to work together to create a loving home for all your children as you blend your families together.

The Giving Away

The giving away is a traditional way to include your parents in the ceremony, and there are many different ways that we can bring this into the modern world, like so:

Where the Bride doesn’t wish to be given away but would like both parents to affirm their blessings

Celebrant: Will [parents of the couple] please rise? As we gather here today, I ask you now to affirm your blessings on this union. [bride’s parents] will you welcome [groom] into your family and bestow your blessing upon this marriage?
Bride’s Parents: We will
Celebrant: [Groom’s parents] will you welcome [bride] into your family and bestow your blessing upon this marriage?
Groom’s Parents: We will
Celebrant: Thank you all. May these blessings bring your families closer together as this marriage between your children begins.

Where the couple has asked for a community vow of support instead of a giving away

Celebrant: Instead of the traditional giving away, [couple’s names] have asked for a community vow of support. If you agree to support them in their new life, please repeat after me: We, the greatest wedding guests of all time, swear to support [couple’s names] in their married life together. We add our blessings to this marriage, and as we party the night away, we promise to make this wedding reception something to remember for as long as we all shall live!

The Asking

The big moment. You know the one, from every wedding in every TV show and movie ever. Your chance to say those two little words in front of all your guests.


Celebrant: Do you [SPOUSE 1] take [SPOUSE 2] to be your lawfully wedded [TITLE]? To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?

You: I do


I promise to stop singing the Hamilton soundtrack quite so much.
I promise to grow old together with you.
I promise not to drink your drinks, even though I am thirsty and your drink is literally right there.
I promise to love you.

The Ring Exchange

Where both parties will wear a ring

Celebrant: For thousands of years, people have signified their marriages with an exchange of rings. These simple golden bands declare to everyone that our couple meets their life-long love for and fidelity to each other. [BEST MAN], would you please produce the rings?
Celebrant: [NAME], please repeat after me: with this ring, I thee wed
You: With this ring, I thee wed
*places the ring upon their partner’s finger*

Where only one party will wear a ring

Celebrant: Marriage is often signified by the wearing of a ring, however, this is by no means mandatory. In this marriage, [NAME 1] has chosen to take a wedding ring, while [NAME 2] has not. [NAME 2], will you please place the wedding ring upon [NAME 1]’s finger, as you both repeat after me: with this ring, I thee wed. Both Parties, together: With this ring, I thee wed.

The Presentation

At the end of the ceremony, you may choose to be presented to the assembled guests.

Option 1

And that brings us to the end of today’s ceremony. Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends. Please join me in congratulating for the very first time [PARTY 1 NAME AND TITLE] and [PARTY 2 NAME AND TITLE]!

Option 2

With that, the formalities are concluded. It is now my high honour and distinct privilege to pronounce you married. Congratulations, you may now kiss.